Build a Relationship with Yourself

Your journey begins within.


The first five steps to your journey:

01 — Face the mirror

Take a look inside and notice what is there. What do you see? What do your hear? “You’re not enough?” “You’re too much?” “Get it together.” “You’re barely surviving?” What masks are you wearing to cover up the fear, pain, hurt, disappointment, anxiety?

Stop distracting yourself with “to do’s”. Stop being busy. Stop running from what is right in front you. It’s time to listen.

02 — Accept what you see

If what you see is a hot mess, you’re not alone. If what you hear is doubt, judgment, and voices of comparison, you’re not alone.

You are creative. You are resourceful. You are complete. Once you accept who you are, you can embrace what you want.

03 — Build trust with yourself

Trusting yourself starts with confidence. Confidence is a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. It takes practice, patience, and discomfort. When you put yourself out there and take action, you learn, you grow, you transform. With each step, you learn what practices best serve you.

04 — Get curious and experiment

Think of each day as an experiment. If something isn’t working for you, try the opposite choice. With each decision, observe and collect data. Get curious about your feelings, thoughts, and interactions. When do you feel most alive? What zaps your energy? There’s no right or wrong. No passing or failing. Think of every moment as an opportunity to play and experiment to learn more about yourself.

05 — Embrace the journey

Have fun through this process. You don’t have to do it alone. Others are feeling the same as you. Deepen your connection with others. This work is simple not easy. We’re not expected to do this on our own. What level of support do you need to keep facing the mirror and honoring your journey?

Whether you prefer a virtual support group, an in-person group connection, or a one-on-one experience with a coach, there are options to hold you accountable. Let’s talk and figure out what works best for you. Book a free session with me here.

Begin your journey and unleash your brightest aura.

I’m ready to take action

Build a new relationship with yourself today.

If you’re tired of spinning in place without any progress, it’s time to seek support. A coach is your advocate, accountability partner, and guide to transformation. If you want change and are ready for action, I will stretch you and support you through the growing pains.

We all have hopes and dreams, and you’re capable of making them come true. It starts with a simple choice. Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.

Together, let’s conceive it, believe it, achieve it.

Looking for a deeper connection with other women? You’re not alone.

Join a tribe of 7 women for a 7 week journey back home.